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Henry Ford


          Henry Ford was born 1863, July 30th in Greenfield Township, Michigan. During his childhood he worked on a farm with his father, but his mind wasn't really interested in farming. His interested were more pointed toward tinkering. His father tried to get him more interested in farming, but his mind was already set and it was also a passion. His mother really encouraged his tinkering passion and (with Ford’s will to take risks combined with his amazing potential he demonstrated early in his life) he eventually moved out of the farm. Henry Ford later went on to do some amazing things which reflected back on something he once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way you're right."

          This quote is definitely one to live by because it sets a great goal for anybody who wants to be successful in life. It means that the only limitation is your mind. Anything that you want to do can be done just as long as you believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself then you’ll always hold yourself back no matter what. Henry Ford demonstrated constant risk taking with starting his own businesses. Even though the first two failed, his third one was a big success which proves that if you put your mind to it and keep trying, eventually you’ll reach your goal. 

          As for me I’ve always dreamed of being a professional guitar player. In Spain I was able to get a legit certification/credential as a professional guitarist. Before then I had been trying to get an opportunity to play music wherever and whenever so I would accept any offers that came my way. Eventually I reached a part of my goal. I hope that if I keep at it I’ll eventually start performing in front of more people! 



Works Cited

The Henry Ford - The Place Where You Discover Your Potential through America's History 2015. Web. 22 Jan. 2016.

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